Christian Traditions Tree – Missing Quakers

Ben from Open Switch has posted a family tree which covers the majority of Christian traditions, though unfortunately it leaves out the Quakers?  It’s a great visual aid that can help you understand the flow between the various groups, and important dates to know.  I can see why Ben would have a poster of this on his wall, very helpful.

About the Quakers, it’s interesting to think about where they would be placed on the map due to the layout of the tree.  Quakers are most inline with Anabaptist theology and practice, and are certainly considered part of the Radical Reformation tradition but George Fox and other early leaders broke off from the Anglican church to get the movement going.  So on the one hand Anglicanism is where many came from but we certainly would think of it as an influence on the movement at all, but with Anabaptism there is no known direct link between Quakers and the Mennonites but the ‘influence’ and similarities are vast.

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