Christian Books on Being a Father and Family

We went straight over to Vroman’s Bookstore the moment we found out Emily was pregnant to find books to read about what all this means. Seeing as how this is baby Wemily #1 we really have no clue what we’re doing, and I guess that’s part of the excitement as well as the anxiety. We’ve been reading as much as we can and will continue to long after the baby is born but for now here are a few books I’ve got in my stack. All but one is from a Christian perspective (the Expectant Father one isn’t) and actually a number of them are fairly heavy in their theological approach. I haven’t finished all these yet, but look forward to polishing them off by Christmas.

1. Cameron Lee, Beyond family values : a call to Christian virtue (Downers Grove Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1998).

2. Rodney Clapp, Families at the crossroads : beyond traditional & modern options (Downers Grove Ill. USA: InterVarsity Press, 1993).

3. Ray Anderson, On being family : a social theology of the family (Grand Rapids Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1985). (I’m also interested in his newer one Something New, Something Old)

4. Richard Rohr, The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective (Crossroad General Interest, 2001).

5. Armin Brott, The expectant father : facts, tips, and advice for dads-to-be (New York: Abbeville Press, 1995).

6. Donald Miller, To own a dragon : reflections on growing up without a father (Colorado Springs CO: NavPress, 2006).

7. Ray Anderson, Unspoken wisdom : truths my father taught me (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1995).

We also have birthing books and other goodies but I’ll leave that to another day. If you’ve got any suggestions on Fatherhood and Family