A Blog Makeover

I’ve been getting a little antsy about my blog design lately so I thought I’d update it a little. I switched it over to the sandbox theme a number of my blogging friends have been talking about and using. I also decided to install a virtual server on my macbook so I could do all my testing long before I uploaded that theme. That made doing the code a million times easier (I am using MAMP). I liked using Blogtxt Sandbox theme fore WordPress, the code is very simple and easy to get around in and there is tons of documentation. I also wanted to bring back the classic blog stuff like a header and sidebar and see how that works for people who are looking to interact a little more with the site. The header you’ve seen before, it was made for me by my friend Noah, although you may notice it is missing the boat, I had to crop it off due to size (I was sad about that). I also added a bottom box of goodies to the lower part of the blog, where there’s a little bio, and my twitter and flickr stuff. Have a look around, let me know if anything isn’t working right or what you think of it vs. my older theme.