6.5 Great Qualities of A Father-In-Law

Today is my Emily’s dad’s birthday (the big 53) and I thought I’d take a moment to mention a few of his characteristics that make him a great father-in-law.  6.5 to be exact.

1 – We have a lot of things in common: he loves the outdoors, taking pictures (and is great at it), biking, cooking, and building stuff with his hands, oh and he wears crazy/cool hats.

2 –  He is really into Arrested Development, which means he appreciates great humor!

3 – He is serious about his Christian faith and open to other’s ideas as well.  Actually he and Emily’s mom have been recently attending a Mennonite church in Toledo in hopes of finding out what that’s all about.  And I just learned on Sunday that’s he’s even reading some guy by the name of John Yoder.  It doesn’t get much better than that!

4 – He is very supportive of both Emily and I.  But since this is about father-in-Law characteristics, he’s always been interested in what I am doing and encouraging of the path I’ve chosen – no easy task I am sure!

5 – He can card count (or he at least leads us to believe he can), which is why he wins at every card game we play, and for that matter every game period.

6 – And one of the most important – He helped to raise an awesome daughter, who is now subsequently my awesome wife!

.5 He reads my blog!

To see an even longer list of why Craig rocks read Emily’s post about it here (oh, btw she has a new blog).  Happy birthday Dad.