2 Posts From the Basement – June

I’ve decided, since I have upwards of 330 posts, that I would begin to dig through the basement of my blog and see what I’ve got sitting down there getting musty.  It will be interesting to see what I find, among the things you’ll see are my progression of thoughts from the past to the present, post that are written passionately but with little editing, posts that are not nuanced as much as I would like for them to be (and may get me in hot-water), and some posts that are pretty humorous as well.  Hopefully in dusting these old blog-posts off we can give them new life to older ideas and revisit some issues to see what’s changed.

Post #1 Reading List From My First Year At Fuller Seminary

I went through and typed out all those book this year that have been most influential in my schooling. It was good for me to do this because I actually had the opportunity to realize that I did learn something this year!

Here I offer a list of the books I read, a little summary of them and a rating of the books!

Post #2 Counter-Narratives On the Fourth of July

We found this church with its doors wide open, people flowing in and out of the doors, some sitting outside against the walls, showing that the location of this church is very important to their ministry. The predominately black church, was filled with many people, some of other colors, some wearing dress clothes, suits, some wearing jeans and head bands; it was truly a band of misfits which reminded me of Gideon’s army.

This is a post from two years ago, when Emily and I visited an African-American church in Skid Row for the Fourth of July.  It was a moving experience and really challenged some of my thoughts about American history.