FWCC Apprentices Workshop

Here Come the Apprentices: Renewal While Helping your Meeting/Church Connect with its Community
This was the workshop Wess Daniels offered on 2023-03-25 at Haw River State Park for FWCC
The Friends community should not only promote the ongoing well-being of Friends within their local meetings and churches, but also engage in issues important to the communities where the Holy Spirit has placed them. Participants in this workshop will learn how to celebrate their Quaker distinctives and confidently communicate their values and mission using modern communication tools and ancient spiritual practices. Wess Daniels will show us how apprentices of the Quaker tradition can be engaged in their tradition and context in ways that are ethnically, economically, and socially reflective of our local communities.
Here you will find the English, and soon, Spanish Versions of the Handout. The Slides, and the Handout for the Context Mapping Exercise and the Backpack Activity.
English Handout
Spanish Translation Handout
Coming Soon.
Appreciative Inquiry Resources

I highly recommend Mark Lau Branson’s book, Memories, Hopes, and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry, Missional Engagement, and Congregational Change. Mark is who I learned appreciative inquiry from and his book is a great introduction.
Read – Ten Assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry for more of a summary
Here is a chapter from the Change Handbook that is a very nice, easily accessible, walkthrough of the whole process.